
We serve individuals and businesses in many areas of insurance and financial strategies, including:

Retirement planning
Making the most of your employer-sponsored retirement plans and IRAs. Determining how much you may need to retire comfortably. Reviewing assets before and during retirement.

Business succession planning
Helping you make sure that you can pass the business to the next generation, your business partner, employees or a third party.

Tax strategies1
Looking for ways to help reduce your current and future tax burden. Referring you to qualified tax specialists.

Estate planning1
Reviewing your wills and trusts information. Helping preserve your estate for your intended heirs. Helping with beneficiary designations. Helping reduce exposure to estate taxes and probate costs. Coordinating with your tax and legal advisors.

Risk management
Reviewing existing insurance policies. Recommending policy changes when they may be appropriate. Finding the best possible policy for your current situation.

Education funding
Recommending investment2 and accumulation strategies to help you pay for your children's education.

Investment Strategies
Helping to determine your asset allocation3 needs. Helping you understand your risk tolerance. Recommending the appropriate investment vehicles at your current situation to help you reach and exceed your goals.

Employee and executive benefits
Helping your business attract and retain qualified employees through benefit packages.

Neither New York Life Insurance Company nor its agents or affiliates, nor The Bloomfield Group or its staff provides tax, legal, or accounting advice. Please consult your own tax, legal, or accounting professionals before making any decisions.

Securities offered through NYLIFE Securities LLC, member FINRA/SIPC, A Licensed Insurance Agency.

Asset allocation and diversification do not guarantee a profit or protect against investment loss, but are intended to help manage your goals and risk tolerance.  They are methods used to help manage investment risk.